Social & Interactive Map

Localised Social Features

  1. Visibility on the Interactive Map: Users can turn themselves visible on the Interactive Map, allowing other users to browse through their 3D Avatars and Outfits.

  2. Chat Box: Users can drop a Chat Box on the Map to interact with others.

  3. Running Invitations: Users can place Running Invitations on the Map to invite others to join them for exercise sessions by burning GGT. Other users must register to participate, and a penalty applies for those who do not show up.

  4. Friendship and Communication: Users can add each other to their friend lists and engage in chats.

Non-local Social Features

  1. Shake and Match: Users can shake their phone, prompting the system to match them with someone who shares a similar exercise intensity. This facilitates the opportunity to chat and organise remote joint running sessions.

  2. Friendship and Communication: Users can add each other to their friend lists and engage in chats.

Last updated